PEPFAR Watch is a growing network of civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations, activists, and data analysts working together to ensure greater accountability of PEPFAR to the communities it serves in more than 50 countries around the world.*
Together we influence the policies and practices of PEPFAR at the headquarter-level, and monitor and influence plans, programs, and budgets at the country-level, to ensure that the single-largest source of funding for the global HIV response is put to the best possible use. Members of the network also provide technical assistance to activists and organisations interested in working to influence and monitor PEPFAR.
PEPFAR Watch is convened and coordinated by the Health Global Access Project (Health GAP).
Activists have shaped PEPFAR’s
Country Operational Plans for greater impact
In 2020, we worked with civil society activists to use the COP process to win changes to PEPFAR programming that reflect community needs. Here are a few highlights:

In South Africa, activists emphasized the grave risk of the premature removal of earlier “surge” funding in COP20, winning a commitment from PEPFAR to increase funding for human resources based on an analysis of gaps.

In Mozambique, the COP describes a plan to multiplex with GeneXpert, and place machines at the point of care or as near as possible to the point of care.

In Malawi, activists secured a major shift in PEPFAR funding away from low-impact technical support and toward scaling up of direct service provision for communities with an increase in the numbers of community healthcare workers, including adding 380 healthcare workers through a new PEPFAR funding mechanism with the Government of Malawi.

In Tanzania, activists secured an ambitious scale up of PrEP to 180,000 people and demanded a plan for reviewing implementation of index testing strategies that engages civil society and ensures index testing is “client centered”— prioritizing safety, condentiality, and human rights.

In Kenya, activists advocated for a
restoration of prior year funding levels ($18.4 Million) for key populations programming and increased the level of funding for COP20 to US$20,500,000.

In Uganda, activists won an expansion of the Young People and Adolescent Peer Support (YAPs) model nationally. The YAPS
model will be expanded from 50 to 71 districts.
*PEPFAR countries/regions include: Angola, Asia Region, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine, United States, Vietnam, West Africa Region, Western Hemisphere, Zambia, Zimbabwe.